Home Product Knowledge How to Get Gold Mine by Gold CIL

How to Get Gold Mine by Gold CIL

2022-05-25 Xinhai (697)

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Gold CIL is one of the commonly used methods for gold beneficiation, and it is a kind of cyanidation gold extraction process. Gold CIL is a technological process of adsorbing gold in pulp after cyanidation leaching of gold-containing materials with the aid of activated carbon. It is suitable for low-sulfur and mud-rich oxide ores and gold ores with high silver-copper associated content.

Principles of Gold CIL

The CIL gold extraction process refers to the gold extraction process in which the gold-containing ores are crushed and ground into pulp, and then cyanided and leached with the help of chemicals, and activated carbon is added at the same time, so that the dissolved gold is directly adsorbed from the pulp. Its main feature is that the two operations of leaching and adsorption are carried out at the same time.


Advantages of Gold CIL

(1) Strong adaptability, suitable for most types of gold ore;

(2) The operation process is simple, the equipment is few, and the process is short;

(3) Low capital investment and production costs;

(4) Adsorption while leaching, the gold leaching and adsorption effect is good, and the recovery rate is high.

Steps of Gold CIL

The CIL gold extraction process mainly includes six steps: impurity removal, concentration before leaching, leaching and adsorption, desorption electrolysis, smelting, and activated carbon reuse.

(1) Removal of impurities from pulp: the pulp after crushing and grinding is doped with impurities such as sawdust and grass roots. Sawdust will absorb the gold in the pulp and block the carbon screen, so the pulp should be cleaned.

(2) Concentration before leaching: The concentration of the pulp after grinding and classification does not meet the standard for cyanidation leaching, so concentration and dehydration should be carried out before leaching.

(3) Leaching and adsorption: The pulp after removing impurities and concentrated enters into several leaching tanks distributed in a step-like manner, and two operations of leaching and adsorption are carried out at the same time. Because leaching takes longer than adsorption, the first few leaching tanks are generally used as pre-leach tanks, and the subsequent leaching tanks are used as adsorption tanks.

(4) Desorption electrolysis: The gold-loaded carbon that adsorbs gold replaces the gold complex in the desorption system, and the pregnant solution obtained by the desorption of the gold-loaded carbon is subjected to electric shock to obtain gold mud.



(5) Smelting: The gold mud obtained by desorption and electrolysis can be directly smelted after simple pickling and impurity removal.

(6) Reuse of activated carbon: The desorbed activated carbon is treated to remove other aggregates and then enters the adsorption tank for recycling.

The CIL gold extraction process has strong applicability and is widely used in actual production, but it is not an all-around gold extraction process. The most preferred mining method for gold ore needs to be determined through processing tests.
