Home Product Knowledge Can tailings with a zinc content of 2.6 be floated?

Can tailings with a zinc content of 2.6 be floated?

2023-05-10 Xinhai (339)

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Tailings with a zinc content of 2.6 can be floated, but the flotation process may require specific adjustments to achieve satisfactory results. Zinc content in tailings is often an indication of the presence of sulfide minerals, such as sphalerite, which are the primary source of zinc in most ores.

The flotation process involves adding reagents to the tailings slurry to selectively float the desired minerals, such as gold or copper, and reject the unwanted minerals, including zinc-bearing sulfides. However, the presence of zinc minerals in the tailings can interfere with the flotation of other minerals, leading to reduced recovery and lower concentrate grades.

To mitigate the effects of zinc on the flotation process, several strategies can be employed. One approach is to increase the dosage of depressants, which are reagents that inhibit the flotation of certain minerals, including zinc sulfides. This can help to reduce the amount of zinc reporting to the concentrate, but it may also reduce the recovery of other valuable minerals.

Another approach is to use a sequential flotation process, which involves separating the zinc minerals from the other minerals before carrying out the primary flotation of the desired minerals. This can be achieved by adding a zinc depressant to the tailings slurry and floating the zinc minerals separately, followed by a second flotation stage to recover the desired minerals.

Ultimately, the feasibility of floating tailings with a zinc content of 2.6 depends on the specific characteristics of the ore and the performance of the flotation process. It is important to conduct extensive testing and optimization to determine the optimal conditions for maximizing recovery and concentrate grade while minimizing the impact of zinc on the process.
