Home Product Knowledge Gold ore heap leaching process

Gold ore heap leaching process

2023-05-12 Xinhai (472)

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Gold ore heap leaching is a process used to extract gold from low-grade gold ore. It is a simple, low-cost process that involves spraying the ore with a solution containing a lixiviant, which is a substance that dissolves the gold. The gold is then recovered from the solution using activated carbon or other means.

The heap leaching process involves several steps:

  1. Ore preparation: The ore is crushed and sometimes agglomerated to improve the permeability of the heap.

  2. Heap construction: The prepared ore is stacked on a pad or heap, usually made of impermeable material like clay or plastic.

  3. Irrigation: The heap is irrigated with a solution containing a lixiviant, which dissolves the gold.

  4. Collection: The gold-bearing solution is collected in a collection system at the base of the heap.

  5. Gold recovery: The gold is recovered from the solution using activated carbon or other means.

  6. Reclamation: Once the gold has been recovered, the barren heap is reclaimed by removing the ore and restoring the site.

Heap leaching has several advantages over other methods of gold extraction. It is a low-cost process that can be used on low-grade ores, which might not be economically viable using other methods. It also has a low environmental impact, as it does not require the use of toxic chemicals like cyanide.

The process does have some limitations, however. It is not suitable for all types of ores, and the recovery rates may be lower than with other methods. It also requires a large area for the heap, which can be a problem in areas where land is scarce.

In conclusion, heap leaching is a useful process for extracting gold from low-grade ores. It is a low-cost and low-impact method that can be used in many situations. However, it is important to carefully consider the suitability of the ore and the specific requirements of the process before deciding to use it.
