Home Product Knowledge What are the mineral processing equipment for oxidized gold ore?

What are the mineral processing equipment for oxidized gold ore?

2023-04-27 Xinhai (448)

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Oxidized gold ore refers to the gold ore that has been weathered or oxidized in the near-surface environment. The gold in these ores may be fine and difficult to recover by conventional cyanidation or other extraction methods. Therefore, specific mineral processing equipment is required to recover gold from oxidized gold ore.

The following are some of the mineral processing equipment commonly used for oxidized gold ore:

  1. Flotation Machines: Flotation is one of the most commonly used methods for the recovery of oxidized gold ore. Flotation machines can be used to separate gold-bearing sulfide minerals, such as pyrite, chalcopyrite, and arsenopyrite, from non-sulfide minerals. The flotation process involves adding a reagent to the crushed ore to selectively attach to and float the gold-bearing minerals. Froth flotation machines such as mechanical agitation flotation machines, inflatable flotation machines, and column flotation machines are commonly used for oxidized gold ore flotation.

  2. Gravity Separation Equipment: Gravity separation equipment, such as shaking tables, spiral chutes, and jigs, can be used to recover gold from oxidized gold ore that has been finely ground. These devices use the differences in the specific gravity and particle size of the gold and the gangue minerals to separate them. Gravity separation is an efficient method for recovering coarse gold particles.

  3. Cyanidation Equipment: Cyanide leaching is a common method used to recover gold from oxidized gold ores. The process involves dissolving gold from the ore into a cyanide solution, followed by recovery of the gold using activated carbon or zinc dust. To enhance the cyanidation process, oxidizing agents such as lead nitrate or oxygen may be added to the leach slurry. This method is commonly used in large-scale gold mines.

  4. Roasting Equipment: Roasting is a thermal treatment process that can be used to oxidize sulfide minerals in oxidized gold ore. The process involves heating the ore to a high temperature in the presence of air or oxygen. This causes the sulfur in the sulfide minerals to react with oxygen to form sulfur dioxide, which is released as gas. The oxidized gold ore is then leached with cyanide or other solvents to extract the gold. Roasting equipment, such as fluidized bed roasters or rotary kilns, may be used for this process.

  5. Bioleaching Equipment: Bioleaching is a process that uses microorganisms to extract gold from oxidized gold ore. This process involves the use of bacteria that can oxidize sulfide minerals and release gold from the ore. Bioleaching can be used to recover gold from low-grade oxidized ores that are not suitable for cyanide leaching. Bioleaching equipment, such as stirred tanks or heap leaching systems, may be used for this process.

In conclusion, the recovery of gold from oxidized gold ore requires specific mineral processing equipment. The choice of equipment will depend on the specific properties of the ore and the desired recovery rate. Flotation machines, gravity separation equipment, cyanidation equipment, roasting equipment, and bioleaching equipment are some of the commonly used equipment for the recovery of gold from oxidized gold ore.
