Home Product Knowledge Heap leaching gold extraction process

Heap leaching gold extraction process

2023-04-27 Xinhai (466)

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Heap leaching gold extraction technology is a modern process for extracting gold from low-grade gold ore or flotation tailings. This process dissolves the gold and silver in the ore by means of heaping and spraying of sodium cyanide solution to form gold-containing precious liquid, which is then extracted by electrolysis and other methods. Heap leaching gold extraction technology has been widely used in the gold industry and has become an important gold extraction method.

The main steps of the heap leaching gold extraction process include:

Heaping: Place low-grade gold ore or flotation tailings on specific heaping materials to form a gold ore heap. During the pile building process, it is necessary to ensure the stability and uniformity of the pile body, so as to facilitate the subsequent gold extraction process.

Sodium cyanide solution spraying: The sodium cyanide solution is soaked in the gold ore pile by spraying. Sodium cyanide solution can dissolve metal ions such as gold and silver to form gold-containing precious liquid.

Electrolytic Gold Extraction: Gold, silver and other metal ions are extracted from the gold-containing precious liquid through electrolysis and other methods to form gold liquid. During the gold extraction process, parameters such as electrolytic current and voltage need to be controlled in order to obtain higher gold extraction efficiency.

Washing: Wash the extracted gold liquid to remove impurities and residues in order to obtain gold products with higher purity.

Product collection: Collect the washed gold products to obtain gold products with high gold content.

In general, heap leaching gold extraction technology is an efficient, environmentally friendly and sustainable gold extraction method, and has become one of the main methods of modern gold extraction. In the application process of the heap leaching gold extraction process, it is necessary to strictly control the parameters of each link to ensure the efficiency of gold extraction and the quality of the product. At the same time, the application of heap leaching gold extraction technology also needs to pay attention to issues such as environmental protection and sustainable development, in order to achieve a win-win situation of economic and social benefits.
